Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Second Lamest Run of 2009


Well, this seems to be the niggle that won't give up easily. I attempted a 30-minute run today but only made it about 15 minutes before the pain in my leg -- though diminished -- was messing up my other foot to the point that I turned around and walked straight home, drank a liter of water, and held a frozen ham steak wrapped in a towel against my calf for like, 30 minutes, then I heated it up by placing a space heater near my leg.

This is incredibly lame. I'm even thinking about alternative exercising I can do to keep up some fitness through this. Swimming? I'd have to find access to a swimming pool. I'll be thinking about that.

Eating is going, well, passable, I guess. It still needs to improve.

I had a horrible day at work and spent an hour and a half curled up in my bed hiding from the world after work. It's been a pretty long, frustrating day.

Tomorrow will be better! Night!


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