Hello, All!
After realizing that no one besides us was going to show up, Monica, Scott, and I decided to do our training runs at the Prison Break Half-Marathon, 10K, and 5K site yesterday. I had a 3-mile tempo run to do and was pretty nervous about it, since I had never really done a tempo run. I was so nervous, in fact, that I seriously avoided even starting for an hour after the race started. When I finally did start, Scott was long gone for his 8-mile tempo, and Mike and Kevin were off somewhere giving the impression that they were actually doing a workout that day. After a brief pep talk from Dave (who was at work watching music videos and drinking coffee), I got myself off my lazy butt and did a one-mile warmup. After my warm up, I stretched briefly, then started for the three-mile tempo. I used the pre-set race mile markers.
The first mile went rather well, and I felt okay. I ran the first mile in about 8:15. I started getting tired at that point, though, and did the second mile a bit slower (in spite of my attempts to keep up speed) and I made it in about 8:30. The last mile I guesstimate would have been about 8:40 or 8:45, but I really don't know, since I actually stopped at the wrong mile marker! Because the three races shared parts of the course, the Prison Break people had staggered the mile markers, and I stopped at the wrong one, which was, maybe 1/4 of a mile before the correct mile marker. Oh well.
After the tempo, I jogged back to the starting line, gave Dave an "Okay! I did it!" call, and welcomed Maricella and her crowd of admirers as they ran across the finish line. It was so cute! Kevin, Scott, AND Monica all went to find her and run her in. It looked like a celebrity with her entourage and body guards were crossing the finish line. Maricella did awesome, with a time of about 2:10! (Great Job!)
I then spent the rest of the day vegging at home, spending way too much time on facebook, and being bored. This was true at least until I went upstairs to watch episodes of "Forensic Files", all of which told true stories of women living alone getting sexually molested and murdered. Needless to say, I was nervous when I finally went to bed, but I slept well anyway.
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