Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Lazy Butt Gets Going

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Okay. So I went for a short run today -- the first I have done since Saturday. Now, some of you can say that's bad but, honestly, I'm not convinced it has been such a bad thing. Of course today's run was short -- I just ran a mile total. I felt a little discomfort all over my left leg. There was some in the side of my left hamstring, a little in my calf, I've even been feeling it a bit in my ankle. But it was pretty good today. No limping!

And I have actually been hydrating, and I'm about to drink the first Cytomax I've had in a looong while. I'm going to stretch in a second, too!

Christmas was kind to me this year! Last night my sister, my parents, my grandparents, my aunt, uncle, and cousins all went to Church together. I was wearing my "Elisabeth is looking nice!" shirt and was told -- mostly by my family -- that I looked nice. (The shirt worked!) I had to help pass out the wine at communion time and this fellow I have marginally had my eye on for a while was serving also. I wanted to say something to him so I could have at least spoken with him before, but I didn't know what to say. Finally, when all the wine servers were back in the corner and after we had each imbibed what remained of the communion wine left in each of our cups, I turned to him and asked, "Do I have a grape moustache?" He laughed and said, "No. You're fine!" How's that for a little suaveness?

Actually, I did a little research later on and discovered that he's only 22 or something. Oh well. At least he's not likely to forget me for a couple of days.

Then, today, my parents, sister, grandmother, and I opened presents. My parents and my sister purchased my sister's old work laptop from her employer and got it all set up for me! Isn't that cool?! I guess it has a wicked amount of memory. The only thing is that it doesn't have any programs at this point. I'm going to have to spring for Microsoft Office at some point in the future when I have the spare change.

My mom also presented me with an art deco style chandelier for my apartment. We had both noticed it at the consignment store when we were there last, and we both liked it. I had expressed the concern, however, that it hung too low for the not-high ceilings in my apartment. My mom still thought it would look nice in my living room so she came back later and bought it for me. So once it's up, Dave Ross, you're going to have to duck. The rest of you should be alright. Monica is safe for sure. My mom likes the chandelier so, gosh darnit, it will be up in my apartment!

Other than that my family spent the afternoon playing the Harry Potter version of "Clue." My sister won and then got really grumpy with me when I didn't want to chase it with a wollopping round of "Pictionary." I was tired and I needed to go outside and exert myself, I said. Doing so was showing my disdain for "family time" she said. I went running anyway. And I shoveled the sidewalks at my apartment building and at my parents' house.

Could this post be any more chatty? I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I do expect to hear a full report from at least one out of three of my coaches. (You know who you are!) Have a wonderful evening and we'll speak with you soon!

P.S. Scotty, I still have a gift for you.

Gotta go stretch!

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