After a month of visiting family in Germany "my" three babies, Abraham, Noah, and Helena (and their folks) returned last night. I got to pick them up from the airport. Since I was so anxious to see them I opted to skip the run tonight and, instead, run from my apartment to their house (right around 4 miles) and visit them instead.
The run was really frustrating. For one thing, my body was tired and I didn't feel like I had much energy. I felt like I was putting forth too much effort for how slow the run was going and this was frustrating. Also, it seems my default stride has become this pathetic limpy compensating gait since my left leg has been hurting now for a while. On this run, only my left ankle hurt at first. (Pretty much 360 around) I thought about it and I thought maybe it was the flexor tendons that hold your leg muscles to your foot? My achilles tendon even hurt. As I ran, the discomfort started going up the back of my calk and even a bit into my shin. I kept trying to improve my stride but it was hard. My patience was low, my body was tired, and I was going too slow. It was pretty frustrating. I stopped a few times, gave a few angry breaths, and then kept tripping along, always frustrating with the gait that favored the right side and kept my stride short.
Finally and with a really sore calf, I arrived at Petra and Hubert's. Poor Noah took a dive off a bunk bed earlier this week and has a swollen nose. He is also sick with a sore throat/headcold/something along those lines. So, he's been unpleasant to say the least. Actually, I don't blame him. He looks like he feels miserable. Poor kid. Abraham feels quite a bit better. He ran right out to show me the new train he got in Germany and to tell me that it goes really fast. Helena has ballooned a bit and grown a lot. She's starting to look like her chubby, red headed aunt who came to visit Petra and Hubert a few months back. She's as cute as ever, though. All three kids are still adjusting to being home. Everyone is worried about Noah. I hope his folks take him to the doctor to see what's up with his nose. It's awfully swollen and he looks miserable.
I am seriously considering taking ice baths again. That always seemed to solve whatever problem I was having, even though they're terribly unpleasant and my ice bath buddy is a lot busier and less willing to talk my ear off while I'm freezing in the tub these days. Would one or two people be willing to switch off as my "ice bath buddies?" Despite the base thoughts that I'm sure some of you (Mike, Scott, Dave, Monica!) are thinking, an "ice bath buddy" is nothing racey. Being my ice bath buddy simply means that you talk my ear off for half-an-hour on the phone while I freeze my fanny to help get my mind off how cold my body is. You can talk about just about anything -- movies, your kids, your recent nose job, your uncle's sex-change operation . . .I don't care. Just be willing to talk a lot without too much response. Usually that's my job, but, when I'm in the ice bath, it's not my job anymore.
Thanks, All! I'm going to go say good night to three grumpy babies and skedaddle my hiney on home!
1 comment:
Did you run on sidewalks to your friends house? That can be very hard on your body, 10x harder than asphalt. You mentioned that it has been fine when you run faster. Your body is probably feeling tired today, take tomorrow off and shoot for a fast Saturday short run and some extra rest this weekend. Also, make sure you are stretching well after your runs.
I've noticed that you logged your workout, course, feelings and effort, niggles, and somewhat the days events.
I would like you to start timing your workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so please come prepared with your watch.
Also, noting the weather could be beneficial when coming back to it at a later date.
Include in your days events any other strenuous activities or if you are standing in front of a classroom for long periods of time.
Include how much sleep you are getting the night before. That will make a HUGE difference in your recovery from the days before and your energy level for the next few days.
Record your diet... yeah, everything.
Record your resting heart rate and weight in the mornings. This is important for later down the road to determine if you are over-training.
Lastly, record any other conditioning you do, like core work or the ankle exercises that Dave suggested for you to do.
So here's that list that we discussed for your running logs:
FEELINGS & EFFORT LEVEL (1-10, 10=all out):
The holidays are over and now it's time to concentrate on those goals! Your next race target to concentrate your efforts towards is the Snake River Canyon Half Marathon in March.
Great running Liz... way to keep on keepin' on!
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