Monday, September 1, 2008

The Payette Lake Run

Greetings, Runners!

This weekend's Payette Lake Run was most spectacular. The view was pretty and the group did a FABULOUS job at the race. (Monica, Murali, Jenny, Brittney, Dave, and maybe somebody I can't remember all placed!) The biggest perks for me were a) I seemed to be the only member of the group not particularly bothered by the hills in the run, and b) I learned so much great stuff! Below is what I learned, both about my teammates and about myself:
  1. Team Apex kicks ass!

  2. Monica is really funny when she's drunk! She's really cuddly, too, and it's really sweet.

  3. Kevin is going to kind of miss getting stalked when all this scariness is over.

  4. Put together on a team, Dave and I can kick anybody's butt at any game requiring knowledge of trivia or of the English language or music, writing, or just about anything else.

  5. Jenny Josephson needs to be around more.

  6. Scott's a very loyal and devoted friend.

  7. I have actually grown past the point where I freak out if left in the constant presence of lots of people without opportunity to leave.

  8. Murali is freakin' competitive.

  9. Jory makes great Costco carrot cake, too!

  10. Melissa didn't have the runs like I thought she did at the end of the race.

  11. Mikey's still my favorite!

  12. Beth is a great teammate, even if she can't tell when I have sped up!

  13. Kevin only likes people who are to his left.

  14. Brittney is solid muscle.

  15. Nobody snores!

  16. I don't get much sleep when I'm trying to sleep on the floor.
  17. Everybody likes pie.

Here are some photos from the event

As for me, I think the race went rather well. My lungs hurt just a tad at the end. But I ran through it, I was constant, I found a friend to run with, and she kept me going. My time was around 1:18, so I think I did around 9 1/2 minute miles. I think that's okay.

Also, I have gained my post-marathon poundage! I can tell from the pictures I took (which I will post here shortly) because my face is bigger and pants are tighter, etc. SO! I'm on a new mission. I can't exactly record what I ate today, since it consists of coffee, a breakfast burrito from that Pancake place, and a bowl of granola with fruit. (The granola is mostly nuts. It's homemade. My dad makes it with Splenda and it's TO DIE for!)

But I'll be drinking lots of water to the end of the day and start bright and early tomorrow, too!

Love you all! Write later!


1 comment:

Monica Runningwolf said...

That's a good one Liz! I think the other runner that placed was Beth, despite her extreme anemia! Oh, and Liz, by the way, that was coolaid I was drinking. Just wait, you're turning 30!