Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Very Uncool Day Goal-Wise

Hello, my Accountability Posse!

Well today was once again pretty disappointing in a bunch of ways. First, my niggle was still acting up at speedwork time. It didn't go away when I ran and wouldn't let me run fast so I had to bag the work out. I did get new shoes, which is always a plus, but they didn't solve the problem like I had hoped they would.

Eating-wise today was a disappointment as well. I am not ordering the Southwest Taco Salad from Wendy's again. I may as well have ordered a hamburger. The word "salad" is very deceiving here.

Oh well, onward and upward! Tomorrow is yet another day! Excelsior!

Monday, March 30, 2009

How Far Can You Push a Niggle Until it Moves In?

I'm going to have to log the last two runs here today, since I didn't log Saturday's run.


I easily spent my running time today on one of the lamest run of the year so far.


1.5 miles of limpy running


Time was slower. Distance 1.5 miles. Course -- from my place to the greenbelt and some on the greenbelt. I don't know and I don't care about pace today anyway.


Way too cold.

FEELINGS & EFFORT LEVEL (1-10, 10=all out):

Effort level 0-3, but it was tough to keep going because my right calf really did hurt! I went on for a while before my left shin really started hurting, too. Then it was really a struggle to continue.


Work, work, work


7-8 hours


Pretty good today. I still have to cut a couple more things out, though, to get down to my target caloric intake.


I need to figure out how to do this well enough that I trust the outcome.


I can give a guesstimate but there's no way I want all of you to know that.


The classic left calf niggle has morphed into a right calf niggle. It really has been making me wonder! How far can you push it before it moves in long-term. I have decided for sure that the reason this niggle is getting worse is because I haven't replaced my shoes. They're beyond renewal time. Famous Footwear is having one of their half price sales so I had them put two pairs aside for me. I'll pick them up tomorrow.

Perhaps tonight's performance means I'm a weenie, but at least I'm a weenie who has a reasonable chance of completing speedwork tomorrow.


Just walking the 1.5 miles home in shorts and a t-shirt in way-too-cold weather.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Liz's Speedwork and Her Niggle


Well, my effort to be more faithful to the blog has not been entirely successful up to now. It is still a bit difficult tonight as well since my fingers are still frozen from the run I'm about to blog.

Yesterday's Speed Work

I met Monica at 6 pm for track work. The plan was to do pick ups of 1 lap, then 1 lap recovery, 2 laps, 3 laps, then 4 laps. We did a quick warm up and then started. Here are my speeds:

one lap-- 1:41

two laps -- 3:50? (I think? I can't quite remember)

three laps -- 6:35

I felt sick from the get-go, but when slowing down on the three lap pick-up was still really uncomfortable for my stomach, I ended up just bagging the whole thing. It wasn't ideal, but nothing has been lately. That's not to mention my niggle, which has been acting up lately. Like today, for instance.


Oh, yeah. I forgot the blogger formula.


12 Minutes


On the track, mostly limping. (My right calf niggle was "singing" as I like to say. I stuck in there until my right hamstring joined in the chorus. I knew then it probably wasn't worth it if I wanted to be able to run tomorrow.)


Chilly and rainy

FEELINGS & EFFORT LEVEL (1-10, 10=all out):

Effort level 0-3, but it was tough to keep going because my right calf really did hurt! I kind of limp-jogged around the track for a few laps. Then the pain spread to my right hamstring, and I knew forcing another 30 minutes out of my body wasn't worth it.

I walked home and the niggle and hamstring still hurt for a few blocks, but lessened on the way, though it never went away completely.


A bunch of medical mumbo jumbo. And cooking!


6-7 hours


Trying! With any luck my weight is slowly dropping.


I need to figure out how to do this well enough that I trust the outcome.


I can give a guesstimate but there's no way I want all of you to know that.


The classic left calf niggle has morphed into a right calf niggle. It's been acting up and interfering with running lately.


Just walking to the track and walking home. About 3 miles total, I think.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

14 and I'm exhausted!


This morning was an interesting running session. I met up at the park with Doug and Jarred. Jarred ran on his own, doing a quick 11-12 so he could make it to his son's game on time. Doug and I ran 14.


2-3 hours


The regular loop + 3 miles (to Americana and around till we get back to the cars.) Pretty easy pace. I don't know what it was because my watch finally bit the dust on mile one.


Chilly but good

FEELINGS & EFFORT LEVEL (1-10, 10=all out):

Oh, I was so tired! Everything was good, though, except for heartburn afterwards. I didn't take my meds before the run so I'm not sure what would have caused it.


I cleaned a tiny bit, went looking around at Shabby Chic furniture, and then watched a documentary on Operation Valkyrie. Interesting!!


7-8 hours.


No comment.


I need to figure out how to do this well enough that I trust the outcome.


Really don't know.


The classic left calf niggle has morphed into a right calf niggle. I'm surprised. The niggle didn't bug me today. I can still feel it when I walk sometimes and even when I sit, but it doesn't seem to bug me much when I run.


Just lying around waiting for my friend to call. It's okay. Tonight to we're going to watch "Under the Tuscan Sun."

That was it!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Loving the Sunshine!

Okay. We're going to get to the nitty gritty early today. But first just let me say how GORGEOUS it is outside right now! I'm in this fabulous, happy, good weather mood. I would love to socially see my friends if they weren't working and sick and not feeling like it. :)


About one hour


I started from my apartment and ran a warm-up to the run location, up the hill, and stretched at the top. I then ran the three-mile loop. The trail was pretty muddy.



FEELINGS & EFFORT LEVEL (1-10, 10=all out):

My niggle was pretty good but I was really low on energy. It was one of those runs where I really felt like running alone and didn't really want to be there at the beginning. I certainly didn't want to be a model for any other runners. Actually, my energy increased by the end of the run. That was nice. Effort level was 5-7, which shouldn't have been because I was running so slow. I attributed this to my lack of energy and to the fact that the first half of the run was slightly uphill, or so it seemed anyway.


Just working, working, working all day.


7-8 hours.


OH SO BAD TODAY! This was a brownie and ice cream day. Oh well. I ran.


I need to figure out how to do this well enough that I trust the outcome.


Really don't know.


The classic left calf niggle has morphed into a right calf niggle. Like I said, though, it didn't bother me tonight.


Are there health benefits to putting up with ninth graders? I sure am tired after that!

It was all in all a very pleasant work out. Now I get to rest and feel guilty for not doing schoolwork after I worked a full day. I always have more to do.

OH! Good news! I found out yesterday that I received the 6 free graduate credits that I interviewed for last week. So, I'll be going to school for free this summer! Awww yeah!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Choir Concerts and Running

Hello, All!

My hope is to be more active on this blog for the next while since my progress won't be as apparent to all involved.

Tonight was the famed choir concert that my student, Guliya, had been talking about non-stop for the last three weeks. At 6:10, my mother and I showed up at her house in my parents' boxy blue Volvo and drove her and her very bored seventh grade brother to Meridian Middle School. (You'd have to be pretty bored to volunteer to sit in an auditorium for an hour and then watch your sister's concert, wouldn't you?) I sat through the first section of the concert where Guliya sang, and then promptly went outside to do speedwork on the middle school track. This was at about 7:40.

The track wasn't actually that rubbery track stuff but, instead, was just a bunch of red sand. (I don't know what it's called.) This was good and bad. On the one hand, it was a bit easier on the latest niggle in my right calf. On the other, it was irritating because I couldn't go nearly as far in the same amount of time it would take me on the greenbelt where I could get a little push-off.

Stage setting aside, here's the nitty gritty:


40 minutes approx


Speed work on the track. I did a four-lap warm up, one minute easy, two minutes hard, one minute easy, two minutes hard, and so on. Essentially I did 5 2-minute pick-ups.


Chilly but manageable. It was getting dark and the headlamp was uncomfortable. God bless daylight savings time!

FEELINGS & EFFORT LEVEL (1-10, 10=all out):

I felt fine. Even my niggle wasn't acting up. Effort level ranged from 7-8.5 or so. Like I said before, it was frustrating not being able to cover as much ground because of the sand. Also, my stomach hurt because I had timed this run badly in relation to dinner. Ah well.


Just working, working, working all day.


Not much. Maybe 6 hours? My bad for staying up late.


Calories were good. No sweets today. Large breakfast, small lunch, medium-sized dinner and strawberries tonight for dessert.


I need to figure out how to do this well enough that I trust the outcome.


Really don't know. Probably heavy cuz of the time of the month. (Lovely, I know.)


The classic left calf niggle has morphed into a right calf niggle. Like I said, though, it didn't bother me tonight.


None today. Aside from a bunch of running around saving seniors from last minute problems with their senior projects which were due today.

So, that was the work out! I wish I could give you a reasonable estimation of how far I was able to get how fast, but this was the best I could do under the circumstances.
